About Us
WHAT IS TalentSphere?
EnterpriseKC has a vision for an integrated and uniquely relational TalentSphere experience that will serve to increase the supply of cybersecurity talent and connect that talent to highdemand, high-opportunity jobs. We will make this vision a reality through the integration of TalentSphere that will enhance today’s talent acquisition practices by fostering a more talent-centric approach within the Candidate Experience Journey. TalentSphere’s mission is to identify individuals who are well-suited and well-potentialed for careers in cybersecurity, expand the talent pool for cybersecurity job openings, keep talent in the region, and create meaningful connections between talent and industry.
TalentSphere is a Talent Acquisition solution built for the region, by the region. With feedback and insights gathered from countless focus groups, listening tours, and individual interviews from all across Kansas and Western Missouri, TalentSphere provides mutual benefit for both talent and industry.
Creating a community platform for talent and industry to grow collaboratively will lift the region to new heights while also creating safer, more secure cities all across the region.
TalentSphere will define success through its ability to accomplish the following Key Results:
- Creation of a talent supply chain producing the most agile, educated, experientially trained, and diverse workforce in the country to meet enterprise demand.
- Downward trend in open cybersecurity positions in the region.
- Enhanced talent acquisition experience for individuals seeking employment and for industry filling demand.
- Enterprise growth through recognition of regional talent as an asset.
- Increased “Collisions” between talent and industry through real world learning opportunities.
- Increased enrollment in regional cybersecurity programs.
- Minimized risk of new hires into the cybersecurity profession from all defined pathways.
- Recognition of the value that Well-Potentialed and Well-Suited talent can bring to enterprise growth.